
Dashboard | The Community Guidebook


Last updated: August 11, 2023, Version 39

This guide will take you through the steps on how to use the Community Admin dashboard. The platform is designed to help you conveniently keep track of your population activities and improve overall population wellness.

Some key features of the platform are to:

  • Track overall population wellness and engagement levels
  • View distribution charts of population activities and challenge progress
  • Create health challenges and invite participants
  • Manage users and segment them into group

*Please note: Set the screen resolution of the browser to 100% (fit to screen) for the best viewing experience & to avoid any screen distortion.

Get Started


Step 1:

← Use your username and temporary password to login. A temporary password will be sent to your email address upon account creation

Step 2:

← Once you click on Login button, you will be redirected back to the dashboard, where you need to enter the OTP sent to your registered phone number > click Submit button to complete login.

Setting Your Password

Step 1:

← To change your password, go to Personal Profile > Reset Password.

Step 2:

← You are required to change your password to ensure that the system remains secure.

About Community & Sub Community

Step 1:

← Upon logging in, you will see the “Communities overview page”.

Step 2:

← From here, you will be able to view communities and sub communities assigned to your care. You can manage each list by adding, editing or deleting.

Step 3:

← From here, you will be able to view communities and sub communities assigned to your care. You can manage each list by adding, editing or deleting.

NOTE: Community/sub community view and actions may be different depending on your accessibility.

Adding Sub Community

Step 1:

← You may add a new Sub Community (Multiple) on this page.

Step 2:

Add New Sub Community. Enter your sub community relevant name and address > Assign your new sub community to an existing and relevant community > You may add more than one sub community by clicking on the “+Add New button” > Click on “Add Sub Community” to complete the process

Editing Sub Community

Step 1:

← You may edit your Sub Community name and address by clicking on Edit button

Assigning Sub Community Administrators

Step 1:

← To assign sub community admins, click on the  icon. Assign the relevant admin by selecting through the list of admins or search the admin through the search box.

Assigning Users to Community

Step 1:

← Upon entering your individual community page, you will have an overview of that community’s user.

Step 2:

← You may toggle the list view between “Users” or “Community Admins” by clicking on the dropdown menu located beside your community name.

Step 3:

← You may assign either “User” based on the list view you are on.

← You can only view community admins and cannot make assign/edit them.

Step 4:

← Upon selecting “+Assign Users”, you will be able to assign user to the community.

← You may assign user for your community by selecting through the list of users or search the user through the search box.

Assigning Users and Sub Community Admins to Sub Community

Step 1:

← On click of the individual community/ subcommunity, You will be able to view the users/admins under it, edit their details or assign them.

Please note that you can only reassign subcommunity admins.

Step 2:

← The Sub Community Page will show a list of Users and Sub Community Admins under that individual sub community depending on your list view.

Step 3:

← Assigning Users and Sub Community Admins follows the same flow as assigning users for community.

About Users

Step 1:

← You may view your organization Wellness Users by navigating through the top navigation bar and selecting “Users”.

Step 2:

← You may also filter through the different type of users, eg. “Assigned Users”, “Unassigned Users” by clicking on the filter dropdown.

← You may manage each list by onboarding, editing, or deleting.

Inviting New Users

Step 1:

← You may invite a User to start their program under your facility by clicking on the ‘+Invite a New User’.

Step 2:

← Depending on the organisation setup, invitation code may be turned off or turned on.

Invitation code turned ON: Invited users can have three states – ‘Invited’, ‘Cancelled’ (means invitation is cancelled by administrator), and ‘Expired’ (means code expired).

Invitation code turned OFF: Invited users can have two states – ‘Invited’ and ‘Cancelled’ (means invitation is cancelled by administrator).

Inviting New UsersInvite users

Step 1:

← To invite users manually, click “+Invite A New User”.

← Fill up the User Name & Email/mobile number, and mode of invitation.

Step 2:

← Upon invitation, users will receive invitation with link to microsite, together with an invitation code if the platform owner has switched on invitation code settings. The organisation section will be prefilled to that of the inviting organisation.

Inviting New UsersCancel invite

Step 1:

← You can cancel an active invitation by clicking on the  button. A pop up will show accordingly to confirm your cancellation.

Once an invitation is cancelled, the user will not be able to access the invitation link sent and/or use the invitation code provided to register on their mobile app.

The cancel button will be disabled once an invitation has been cancelled.

Inviting New UsersDelete invite

Step 1:

← You can delete an invitation only if it has been cancelled. Click to delete the invitation. A prompt will appear to confirm your deletion.

Inviting New UsersResend invite

Step 1:

← Once an invitation has been cancelled, you can resend their invitation by clicking on the   button.

An invitation can also be resend even if it is still active. The previous invitation link and/or code will be auto-expired and a new one will be generated.

A pop up will appear to review/update the invitation details before resending.

To resend invitation in bulk, click on the checkbox to select multiple invitations , and click on the resend button after on the bottom of the list.

Please note that updating the invitee’s details is only available in the single resend feature.

Onboard & Assign User

Step 1:

← Click the “Onboard” button to start onboarding User.

Step 2:

← Fill or edit the relevant information up till. You may assign the user to communities and sub communities that you are in charge of.

Step 3:

← You may also assign the user to a Support Team Member (optional) for each of the Community they are in. If not, you may click on the “Onboard User” button to complete the onboarding process.

Editing User

Step 1:

← Click the Edit button icon  on the user you would like to edit.

Step 2:

← Edit the user’s information accordingly.

Step 3:

← You may choose to reassign the user to another Community, Sub Community or Support Team. Otherwise, click next to finish editing the user’s information.

Deleting User

Step 1:

← You may choose to delete the Support Team Member information by clicking on the delete button icon

Step 2:

← Click Delete User to confirm delete.

Sending Broadcast Message to User(s)

Step 1:

← Select the the users that you would like to broadcast your message to.

← You are able to send a broadcast message to your user(s) by click Broadcast button icon

Step 2:

← Once you have type out the message you wish to send to the user(s), click send message to send it out to your user.

About Community Administrators

Step 1:

← You may access the Community Administrators page through the “Administrators” tab at the top navigation bar.

Step 2:

← The Community Administrators screen shows a list of community administrators under your organization which you can view each community administrator information.

←  You can manage each list by adding new community administrators.

Adding Community Administrator

Step 1:

← To add a new Community Administrator, click the “Add A New Community Administrator” button.

Step 2:

← Step up an account for the community admin by filling in the username and uploading a profile picture (optional)

Step 3:

← Key in the basic information about the administrator.

Step 4:

← Key in the basic information about the administrator.

About Sub Community Administrators

Step 1:

← You may access the Sub Community Administrators page through the “Administrators” tab at the top navigation bar.

Step 2:

← The Sub Community Administrators screen shows a list of sub community administrators under your organization which you can view each sub community administrator information.

← You can manage each list by adding new admins, editing or deleting.

Adding Sub Community Administrator

Step 1:

← To add a new Sub Community Administrator, click the “Add A New Sub Community Administrator” button.

Step 2:

← Step up an account for the sub community admin by filling in the username and uploading a profile picture (optional)

Step 3:

← Key in the basic information about the administrator.

Step 4:

← Assign new administrator to a sub community (only can be from communities you are in charge of).

Editing Sub Community Administrator

Step 1:

← You may choose to add or edit the department administrator information by clicking on the edit icon button

Step 2:

← What can be added/edited:

  • Profile picture (clicking on the profile icon)
  • Basic Information
  • Community

Deleting Sub Community Administrator

Step 1:

← You may choose to delete the sub community administrator information by clicking on the delete icon button

About Support Team

Step 1:

← You may access the Support Team page through the “Support Team” tab at the top navigation bar.

← The Support Team screen shows a list of your support team members under your organization which you can view each member’s information.

← You can manage each list by editing or deleting.

Viewing User Assigned to Support Team Member

Step 1:

← You may view the users assigned to a Support Team Member by clicking on each Support Team Member name

Assigning User to Support Team Member

Step 1:

← You may only assign user that is under the same communities with the Support Team Member. On the Member’s users page, you may assign user to the member by clicking on the “+Assign users” button

Step 2:

← Assign user for the member by selecting through the list of users or search the user through the search box.

About Population Overview

Step 1:

← The Population Overview page is the dashboard’s landing page where you are able to get a quick overview of how your population is doing and what challenges are ongoing. Right at the top, the Key Statistics section shows key information for the day.

This allows you to take a quick look at your population wellness, engagement and ongoing challenges. If you would like a more in-depth analysis of your population mapped over time or data for specific parameters and activities, you can scroll down and toggle between the Population Analysis and Population Activity Distribution tabs below.

You may also filter and select to view specific community/sub community assigned to you.

You can do this simply by selecting the filter dropdown button

Key Statistics

Step 1:

← Population Wellness Score
Shows how well your population is doing overall

← Population Engagement
Shows how engaged your population is overall

← Participants
Shows a distribution of your population in the different wellness ranges from Healthy to Severe Concern, as well as an overall happiness level status.

← Ongoing Challenges
Shows the list of ongoing challenges, sorted by engagement level on default.

Population Analysis – About Population Analysis

Step 1:

← The Population Analysis tab shows the data displayed in the key statistics above charted over time. You will be able to understand your population’s wellness and engagement progression/regression trend over time from this section.

On default, the Population Analysis data is mapped over the last 7 days. To view your population trend over a longer period of time, change the time range from the calendar selection.

Population Analysis – Population Wellness Score

Step 1:

← The Population Wellness Score widget shows how well your population is doing overall over a period of time. You can easily identify their improvements over the course of the last week, month or quarter by looking at the trend of the line graph, or by looking at the positive or negative comparison on the bottom right corner. Ideally, your population wellness score should be progressing upwards and be at least above 70.

Population Analysis – Population Wellness Segment

Step 1:

← The Population Wellness Segment widget shows a distribution of your population in the different wellness ranges of Healthy (green), Mild Concern (yellow), Moderate Concern (orange), and Severe Concern (red) over a period of time.

You can also see whether the percentage of your population in the Healthy range has improved or not based on the number at the bottom right corner. Ideally, your chart should be populated with more green area than the other colours to indicate a higher percentage of Healthy individuals.

Population Analysis – Population Engagement

Step 1:

← The Population Engagement widget shows how engaged your population is overall over a period of time – whether they are using the app or completing challenge goals.

You can also see how their engagement for the week, month or quarter compares to the previous period by looking at the number at the bottom right corner. Ideally, you should be engaged with 100% of your population.

Population Analysis – Groups

Step 1:

← The Groups widget shows the top 5 groups in your organisation, sorted by the lowest wellness score improvement by default. This allows you to quickly identify which groups require attention, where you can invite them to challenges to increase their wellness score.

Population Analysis – Challenges

Step 1:

← The Challenges widget shows the list of ongoing challenges, sorted by the earliest end date by default.

1.The widget consists of two sections:

2.The left side bar that shows the list of ongoing challenges.

The main section on the right side that displays the details of the selected challenge. Aside from basic details of the challenges that you have set when creating the challenge, you can also view the list of participants in the challenge, as well as an analysis of the challenge.

Challenge Analysis
The goal completion distribution chart allows you to understand how much the participants have completed the overall challenge.

The participant engagement chart shows the level of engagement by the participants in the challenge.

Population Activity Distribution – About Population Activity Distribution

Step 1:

← The Population Activity Distribution tab shows visualisations for specific parameters and activities. This section allows you to understand how each parameter is distributed across your population.

On default, the Population Activity Distribution data takes the average reading over the last 7 days. To view your population trend over a longer period of time, change the time range from the calendar selection.

Population Activity Distribution – BMI and Waist Circumference

Step 1:

← The BMI and waist circumference widgets show the percentage of your population in each label category for the different parameters for the day. Ideally, your chart should show more green to indicate more individuals in the ‘Normal’ range.

Population Activity Distribution – Exercise and Sedentary Time

Step 1:

← The Exercise widget shows the common range of minutes of exercise in your population. Ideally, your chart should skew to the right to indicate a higher average number of minutes of exercise. Create ‘Exercise’ challenges to achieve this.

Step 2:

← The Sedentary Time widget shows the common range of minutes of sedentary time in your population. Ideally, your chart should skew to the left to indicate a lower sedentary lifestyle. Create ‘Sedentary Time’, ‘Exercise’ or ‘Steps’ challenges to achieve this.

Population Activity Distribution – Active Zone Minutes and Distance Covered

Step 1:

← The Active Zone Minutes widget shows the common range of minutes of exercise where your heart rate is elevated to the fat burning zone in your population. Ideally, your chart should skew to the right to indicate a higher average number of minutes of exercise. Create ‘Active Zone Minutes’ challenges to achieve this.

Step 2:

← The Distance Covered widget shows common range of kilometres of distance covered in your population, e.g. by walking, running, or wheelchair. Ideally, your chart should skew to the right to indicate a higher distance covered and more active lifestyle. Create ‘Distance Covered’ challenges to achieve this.

Population Activity Distribution – Steps and Sleep

Step 1:

← The Steps widget shows the common range of number of steps in your population. Ideally, your chart should skew to the right to indicate a higher average step count. Create ‘Steps’ challenges to achieve this.

Step 2:

← The Sleep widget shows the common range of hours of sleep in your population. Ideally, your chart should populate around the 7-8 range to indicate an ideal number of sleep hours. Create ‘Sleep’ challenges to achieve this.od.

Population Activity Distribution – Fruits & Vegetables and Processed Food

Step 1:

← The Steps widget shows the common range of number of steps in your population. Ideally, your chart should skew to the right to indicate a higher average step count. Create ‘Steps’ challenges to achieve this.

Step 2:

← The Processed Food widget shows the common range of number of days your population did not eat processed food. Ideally, your chart should skew to the right to indicate a higher number of days of no processed food.

Population Activity Distribution – Water Intake and Mood & Stress

Step 1:

← The Water Intake widget shows the common range of litres of water intake in your population. Ideally, your chart should skew to the right to indicate a higher hydration levels. Create ‘Water Intake’ challenges to achieve this.

Step 2:

← The Mood and Stress widget shows the percentage of your population who are happy most of the time, depressed none of the time and stressed none of the time. Ideally, your rings for all three should close to indicate the ideal mood and stress levels of your population.

Population Activity Distribution – Alcohol and Smoking

Step 1:

← The Alcohol widget shows the common range of au of alcohol intake in your population. Ideally, your chart should skew to the left to 0 to indicate lower alcohol intake.

Step 2:

← The Smoking widget shows the percentage of non-smokers and smokers in your population, along with the number of cigarettes smoked in the period selected. Ideally, your chart should show more green to indicate higher number non-smokers.

About Challenges

Step 1:

← The Challenges page shows a calendar view of all the challenges that you have created. This allows you to easily identify empty or busy periods on the calendar, and manage your challenge planning accordingly.

Step 2:

← At the Calendar dropdown, you will be able to toggle between the calendar view: month or week.

Create Challenge

Step 1:

← To create a new challenge, tap on the ‘+Add a New Challenge’ button on the top right corner of the Challenges page.

Challenge type
Challenge template
Goals are already prefilled based on existing templates

Custom challenge
Add goals from scratch

Personal challenge
Available for every app user to join

Individual challenge
Only invited participants can join

Group challenge
Only invited groups can join Users can view group leaderboard

Step 2:

← Challenge Type

Challenge templates provide a convenient way to implement a challenge by saving your time in creating challenge goals.

If a new challenge is created from a challenge template, a selection of templates will be available for you to choose from below.

Simply click on the box containing one of the challenges to select your template before proceeding Next.

The challenge goals can be further edited in step 3 of the process.

Step 3:

← Challenge Details

Challenge name and description – Fill out the challenge name and details of what the challenge is about.

Duration – Select the start date of the challenge. You can select an end date, or autofill by number of days, weeks or months.

Cover image – The cover image is displayed on both your dashboard and the users’ apps. You can choose from the preset images or upload your own.

Step 4:

← Challenge Goals

In this step, you can add challenge goals that the users will need to complete.

For a more holistic challenge, you can set more than one goal so your population is able to keep well in more than one dimension.

Select the activity category. More categories will be added as time in future developments to promote a more holistic wellbeing.

Input the target amount that the users will have to reach. This depends on the activities (e.g. Select the recurrence in which the users have to hit the target. Free text to add supporting notes

Challenge Goals

Challenge goals make up of:

Step 1:

Challenge Category
Type of health related activities, e.g. sleep, exercise.

Challenge activities relating to the category, e.g. steps for exercise, which is to be measured.

The amount to set as target to achieve challenge goals.

Regular quantitative target using the relevant units (eg. target for sleep hours is “no. of hours”); or time based target  with a range of acceptance (e.g. with sleep time target at 9 pm with range 30 min, user reaches target if they sleep between 9 – 9:30 pm.

Where activity can only yield one predefined target outcome. No input field will be available for activities with predefined targets. An example of such activity is “No processed food”.

The time frame at which target should be met.

Daily challenge goals
This need to be reached every day of the challenge duration.

Weekly challenge goals
This need to be reached every week of the challenge duration, starting Monday to Sunday.

Total challenge goals
This need to be reached before the end of the challenge duration.

Step 2:

← Currently, there are 4 types of challenge categories to choose from with a variety of activities for each. More categories and activities will be added in time to come to promote a more holistic wellbeing.

View Challenge Details

Step 1:

← To view challenge details, select the specific challenge bar on the calendar.

Step 2:

← The pop up displays the challenge details, goals, duration, as well as the participants.

Edit and Delete Challenge

Step 1:

← To edit the challenge, select the ‘Edit’ button at the bottom of the challenge popup.

Step 2:

← You can edit the challenge details, duration, cover image, as well as challenge goals.

← You can also delete the challenge from this section by clicking on ‘Delete challenge’. But please note that once a challenge is deleted, all progress made by the participants will be lost and this action cannot be undone.

Invite Participants

Step 1:

← To invite participants to a challenge, select the ‘Invite’ button at the bottom of the challenge popup.

Step 2:

← You can send an invitation as an individual challenge to individual participants; or you can send an invitation as a group challenge by selecting ‘Groups’ in the dropdown to view the list of groups in your organisation.

Manage Participants

Step 1:

← To view and manage all your invited participants, select the ‘View all >’ button next to the list of participant icons in the challenge popup.

Step 2:

← You can view the list of participants invited as an individual challenge, or navigate to ‘Groups’ in the dropdown to view the list of groups invited as a group challenge.

Step 3:

← In both Participants and Groups lists, you can view the status of the invitation whether the participant has joined or not.

Resend Invitation

Step 1:

← If your invited participants have not joined the challenge (shown as a yellow ‘Invited’ on its status), you can resend the invitations to nudge them. They will receive a new notification on their app.

← Select the participant(s) or group(s) you want to nudge and click Resend button icon to resend the invitation.

Step 2:

← Click Confirm button to confirm resend invitation or Cancel button to discard.

Remove Participants from Challenge

Step 1:

← You can remove participants from a challenge.

← Select the participant(s) or group(s) you want to remove and click the delete button icon  to remove them from the challenge.

Step 2:

← Click Confirm button to remove or Cancel to discard. Please note that once they are removed, their progress will be lost and this cannot be undone.

About Group Management

Step 1:

← The Group Management page allows you to manage the groups in your organisation and their members. The page consists of two sections:

1.The list of created groups in the organisation on the left sidebar

2.The details of the selected group on the main page on the right side

The Group Management’s landing page shows the list of all the participants in your organisation and an overview of the groups they are a member of.

Create a New Group

Step 1:

← To create a new group, click the ‘+ Create a New Group’ button in the left sidebar.

Step 2:

← Enter the group name and click Create Group button. Once the group has been created, its name will be added to the list on the left sidebar.

View Group Details

Step 1:

← To view a group in more detail, select a group from the list of groups in your organisation from the left sidebar. The list of group members will appear on the main page on the right side of the sidebar.

Add Members to a Group

Step 1:

← To add members to a group, click the ‘+ Add New Member’ button below the group name.

Step 2:

← Select the participant(s) you would like to add to the group and click ‘Add to Group’ to proceed.

Remove Members from a Group

Step 1:

← To remove members from a group, select the member(s) you want to remove and click the delete button icon

Step 2:

← Click Confirm button to remove or cancel to discard.

Edit and Delete Group

Step 1:

← To edit a group, click the Edit button icon next to the group name.

Step 2:

← Click Save Changes button to save changes or Delete Group button to delete group.

Send Broadcast Message

You can send broadcast messages to the participants in your organisation and they will receive the messages in their notifications.

Step 1:

← Select the participant(s) you would like to send a broadcast message to by ticking the checkboxes next to their names in the ‘All Participants’ list or a specific group’s member list > select the Broadcast button icon in the action bar at the bottom.

Step 2:

← Type in your message and click send Broadcast when ready.

Editing Personal Profile

Step 1:

← In the top navigation bar, click on the avatar.

Click “Personal Profile”. Update your profile and/or personal details and click ‘save’.