Wellness Plus Facility Admin Roles and Details

What is a Facility?

A healthcare establishment or clinic offering medical services. Responsibilities vary with the size and type of the Facility (e.g. small clinic vs. large hospital). There can be more than one Facility.

Who is a Facility Admin?

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Facility. In the absence of an Organisation Admin, a Facility Admin can manage the Facility. There can be more than one Facility Administrator.

Please log in to the Facility Admin account to get access.

Facility tab view: (as Facility Admin)

  • Analytics
  • Facility and Department
  • Facility Admin
  • Department Admin
  • Support Team Member (W+)
  • Users

From Facility and Departments (as Facility Admin), you can:

  • View Added Facility and Department
  • Delete Empty Facility
  • Add New/Edit Department
  • Delete Empty Department

Facility Admin can also check the Number of the Department and Address.

From Facility Administrator (as Facility Admin), you can:

  • Add New Facility Admin

Facility Admin can also check the Name, Facility, and Last Sign-in.

From Department Admin (as Facility Admin), you can:

  • Add New/Edit/Delete Department Admin
  • Can Check the Department Admin’s Facility and Department, and Last Sign-in.

Support Team tab view: (as Facility Admin)

  • View/Add/Edit and Delete Support Team Members.
  • Facility Admin can also check the Support Team’s Affiliation, Specialization, and Last Sign-in.

View from the Users tab, and you’ll land on the Assigned Users list:

Only the users are visible who are assigned to the selected Facility and Department.

From the Users tab, you can: (as Facility Admin)

  • View User list
  • Invite New User
  • Onboard User
  • Edit and Delete Assigned User
  • Referral option for Affiliation purposes

Facility Admin can also check the User’s Gender, Age, Support Team, Facility and Department, and Onboarding Progress, and Last Sync.

From the drop-down menu beside Assigned Users, you can find:

  • All Users
  • Assigned Users
  • Unassigned Users
  • Pending Onboarding Users
  • Pending Activation List
  • Invited Users


Wellness Plus Organisation Admin Roles and Details

Upon logging into the dashboard as an Organisation Admin (Org Admin) at Wellness Plus, authorized personnel gain access to a comprehensive view of all entities within the Organisation. Below are detailed explanations of the roles and responsibilities associated with each entity:

What is an Organisation?

A Large Group or Small Healthcare Organisation. There can be more than one group.

Who is the Organisation Admin/Org Admin?

The head admin of the Organisation known as the Org Admin is responsible for managing all the Facilities, Departments and their Admins, Support Team Members (W+) also known as STM, Users, and Program Management in the Organisation.

Please log in to the CLH Org Admin account to get access. Then in the next page, please Input your PIN.

You’ll have the Org Admin View after successful login.

Org Admin View:

  • Analytics
  • Organisation
  • Programme Management
  • Application Tracker

Analytics tab view: (as Org Admin)

  • Key Statistics
  • Population Analysis
  • Groups
  • Challenges
  • Population Data Distribution

What is a Facility?

A healthcare establishment or clinic offering medical services. Responsibilities vary with the size and type of the Facility (e.g. small clinic vs. large hospital). There can be more than one Facility.

What is a Department?

A specialised unit within a healthcare facility that focuses on specific services or treatments. Responsibilities include Organisational efficiency and Specialisation in services like pathology or radiology. There can be more than one Department.

From the Facilities and Departments (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add New Facility
  • Add New Department
  • Edit Facility
  • Edit Department
  • Delete Empty Facility
  • Delete Empty Department
  • Assign Facility admin to Facility
  • Assign Department Admin to Department

Org Admin can also check the Number of the Department and Address.

Who is a Facility Admin?

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Facility. In the absence of an Organisation Admin, a Facility Admin can manage the Facility. There can be more than one Facility Administrator.

From Facility Admin (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add a New Facility Admin
  • View Facility Admin
  • Edit Facility Admin
  • Delete Facility Admin
  • Enable PII Access
  • Disable PII Access

Org Admin can also check the Facility Admin’s Facility, Last sign-in of Facility Admins

Who is a Department Admin?

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Department. There can be more than one Department Administrator.

From Department Administrators (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add a New Department Admin
  • Edit Department Admin
  • Delete Department Admin
  • Enable PII Access
  • Disable PII Access

Org Admin can also check the Department Admin’s Facility and Department from the Affiliation view and, Last sign-in of Department Admins

What is a Support Team Member (W+)?

Support Team Member (W+) oversees users’ activities, invites, and assigns users. Support Team Member (W+) is also known as STM. There are two types of STM. There are primary and secondary STMs. Support Team Member (W+) roles and responsibilities involve managing patient lists, schedules, and documents, as well as monitoring patient health parameters and compliance.

From the Support Team Member (W+) tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add a New Support Team Member (W+)
  • Edit Support Team Member (W+)
  • Delete Support Team Member (W+)
  • Enable PII Access
  • Disable PII Access

Org Admin can also check the Support Team Member’s Facility and Department from the Affiliation view, Specialisation and Last sign-in of Support Team Member (W+)

Who is a User?

A user is a patient who uses the CLH app.

Users’ roles and responsibilities are: onboarding themself as a user, providing Report Health Status, acknowledging scheduled activities such as taking medication and Specialised nutrition, staying hydrated, taking rest, and exercises, logging the physicals, blood pressure, blood glucose & HbA1c, body temperature, SpO2 & PR bpm, lipids, etc.

View from the Users tab, and you’ll land on the Assigned Users list.

From the Users tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • View User list ( All, Assigned, Unassigned, Pending onboarding, Pending Activation, Invited)
  • Invite New User/s
  • Onboard User
  • Edit and Delete Users

Org Admin can also check the User’s Gender, Age, Support Team, Affiliation (Facility and Department), Last sync, Compliance, and View Onboarding Progress.

From the drop-down menu beside Assigned Users, you can find:

  • All Users
  • Assigned Users
  • Unassigned Users
  • Pending Onboarding Users
  • Pending Activation List
  • Invited Users

Program Management tab view: (as Org Admin)

  • Medicines
  • Specialised Nutrition
  • Physiotherapy
  • Predefined Messages
  • Links
  • Themes
  • Alerts/Nudges

From the Program Management tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Medicines.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Specialised Nutrition.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Physiotherapy.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Predefined Messages.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Links.

  • Download/Edit Themes.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete, Alerts/Nudges Template.

In the ConnectedLife Platform, the Application Tracker is a powerful feature designed exclusively for Organisation Admins. Located conveniently next to the Programme Management tab, this feature provides a comprehensive view of app usage, allowing admins to monitor and analyze event-specific data effectively.

Key Features of the Application Tracker

1. Event-wise Data Insights

The Application Tracker enables admins to fetch detailed event-wise data. This granular insight ensures that organisations can track and evaluate user interactions with the app on both Web and Mobile platforms.

2. Custom Date Picker

Admins can select specific date ranges using the custom date picker to retrieve relevant data. This flexibility allows for focused analysis of user activity over any desired period.

3. Comprehensive Data Categories

The data provided by the Application Tracker is organized into the following categories:

User ID: Unique identifier for each user.

City: The geographical location of users.

OS (Operating System): The platform used by the user, such as iOS or Android.

OS Version: The specific version of the operating system in use.

App Opened: Number of times the app was launched.

Time Spent in the App: Total duration users spent engaging with the app.

4. Export Capability

For further analysis, all the data collected through the Application Tracker can be exported as a CSV file. This export functionality makes it easy for organisations to perform in-depth data analysis or integrate the data with other analytics tools.

Benefits of Using the Application Tracker

Enhanced Monitoring: Provides a clear overview of how users interact with the app.

Data-driven Decisions: Facilitates informed decision-making by offering actionable insights.

Improved User Experience: Helps identify trends and areas for improvement, leading to a better app experience for users.

This structured approach ensures that each entity within Wellness Plus has clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The Organisation Admin, holding a pivotal role, facilitates efficient coordination and management across the entire Organisation.

Upon logging into the dashboard as an Organisation Admin (Org Admin) at Wellness Plus, authorized personnel gain access to a comprehensive view of all entities within the Organisation. Below are detailed explanations of the roles and responsibilities associated with each entity:

What is an Organisation?

A Large Group or Small Healthcare Organisation. There can be more than one group.

Who is the Organisation Admin/Org Admin?

The head admin of the Organisation known as the Org Admin is responsible for managing all the Facilities, Departments and their Admins, Support Team Members (W+) also known as STM, Users, and Program Management in the Organisation.

Please log in to the CLH Org Admin account to get access. Then in the next page, please Input your PIN.

You’ll have the Org Admin View after successful login.

Org Admin View:

  • Analytics
  • Organisation
  • Programme Management
  • Application Tracker

Analytics tab view: (as Org Admin)

  • Key Statistics
  • Population Analysis
  • Groups
  • Challenges
  • Population Data Distribution

What is a Facility?

A healthcare establishment or clinic offering medical services. Responsibilities vary with the size and type of the Facility (e.g. small clinic vs. large hospital). There can be more than one Facility.

What is a Department?

A specialised unit within a healthcare facility that focuses on specific services or treatments. Responsibilities include Organisational efficiency and Specialisation in services like pathology or radiology. There can be more than one Department.

From the Facilities and Departments (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add New Facility
  • Add New Department
  • Edit Facility
  • Edit Department
  • Delete Empty Facility
  • Delete Empty Department
  • Assign Facility admin to Facility
  • Assign Department Admin to Department

Org Admin can also check the Number of the Department and Address.

Who is a Facility Admin?

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Facility. In the absence of an Organisation Admin, a Facility Admin can manage the Facility. There can be more than one Facility Administrator.

From Facility Admin (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add a New Facility Admin
  • View Facility Admin
  • Edit Facility Admin
  • Delete Facility Admin
  • Enable PII Access
  • Disable PII Access

Org Admin can also check the Facility Admin’s Facility, Last sign-in of Facility Admins

Who is a Department Admin?

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Department. There can be more than one Department Administrator.

From Department Administrators (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add a New Department Admin
  • Edit Department Admin
  • Delete Department Admin
  • Enable PII Access
  • Disable PII Access

Org Admin can also check the Department Admin’s Facility and Department from the Affiliation view and, Last sign-in of Department Admins

What is a Support Team Member (W+)?

Support Team Member (W+) oversees users’ activities, invites, and assigns users. Support Team Member (W+) is also known as STM. There are two types of STM. There are primary and secondary STMs. Support Team Member (W+) roles and responsibilities involve managing patient lists, schedules, and documents, as well as monitoring patient health parameters and compliance.

From the Support Team Member (W+) tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add a New Support Team Member (W+)
  • Edit Support Team Member (W+)
  • Delete Support Team Member (W+)
  • Enable PII Access
  • Disable PII Access

Org Admin can also check the Support Team Member’s Facility and Department from the Affiliation view, Specialisation and Last sign-in of Support Team Member (W+)

Who is a User?

A user is a patient who uses the CLH app.

Users’ roles and responsibilities are: onboarding themself as a user, providing Report Health Status, acknowledging scheduled activities such as taking medication and Specialised nutrition, staying hydrated, taking rest, and exercises, logging the physicals, blood pressure, blood glucose & HbA1c, body temperature, SpO2 & PR bpm, lipids, etc.

View from the Users tab, and you’ll land on the Assigned Users list.

From the Users tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • View User list ( All, Assigned, Unassigned, Pending onboarding, Pending Activation, Invited)
  • Invite New User/s
  • Onboard User
  • Edit and Delete Users

Org Admin can also check the User’s Gender, Age, Support Team, Affiliation (Facility and Department), Last sync, Compliance, and View Onboarding Progress.

From the drop-down menu beside Assigned Users, you can find:

  • All Users
  • Assigned Users
  • Unassigned Users
  • Pending Onboarding Users
  • Pending Activation List
  • Invited Users

Program Management tab view: (as Org Admin)

  • Medicines
  • Specialised Nutrition
  • Physiotherapy
  • Predefined Messages
  • Links
  • Themes
  • Alerts/Nudges

From the Program Management tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Medicines.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Specialised Nutrition.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Physiotherapy.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Predefined Messages.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Links.

  • Download/Edit Themes.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete, Alerts/Nudges Template.

In the ConnectedLife Platform, the Application Tracker is a powerful feature designed exclusively for Organisation Admins. Located conveniently next to the Programme Management tab, this feature provides a comprehensive view of app usage, allowing admins to monitor and analyze event-specific data effectively.

Key Features of the Application Tracker

1. Event-wise Data Insights

The Application Tracker enables admins to fetch detailed event-wise data. This granular insight ensures that organisations can track and evaluate user interactions with the app on both Web and Mobile platforms.

2. Custom Date Picker

Admins can select specific date ranges using the custom date picker to retrieve relevant data. This flexibility allows for focused analysis of user activity over any desired period.

3. Comprehensive Data Categories

The data provided by the Application Tracker is organized into the following categories:

User ID: Unique identifier for each user.

City: The geographical location of users.

OS (Operating System): The platform used by the user, such as iOS or Android.

OS Version: The specific version of the operating system in use.

App Opened: Number of times the app was launched.

Time Spent in the App: Total duration users spent engaging with the app.

4. Export Capability

For further analysis, all the data collected through the Application Tracker can be exported as a CSV file. This export functionality makes it easy for organisations to perform in-depth data analysis or integrate the data with other analytics tools.

Benefits of Using the Application Tracker

Enhanced Monitoring: Provides a clear overview of how users interact with the app.

Data-driven Decisions: Facilitates informed decision-making by offering actionable insights.

Improved User Experience: Helps identify trends and areas for improvement, leading to a better app experience for users.

This structured approach ensures that each entity within Wellness Plus has clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The Organisation Admin, holding a pivotal role, facilitates efficient coordination and management across the entire Organisation.

Upon logging into the dashboard as an Organisation Admin (Org Admin) at Wellness Plus, authorized personnel gain access to a comprehensive view of all entities within the Organisation. Below are detailed explanations of the roles and responsibilities associated with each entity:

What is an Organisation?

A Large Group or Small Healthcare Organisation. There can be more than one group.

Who is the Organisation Admin/Org Admin?

The head admin of the Organisation known as the Org Admin is responsible for managing all the Facilities, Departments and their Admins, Support Team Members (W+) also known as STM, Users, and Program Management in the Organisation.

Please log in to the CLH Org Admin account to get access. Then in the next page, please Input your PIN.

You’ll have the Org Admin View after successful login.

Org Admin View:

  • Analytics
  • Organisation
  • Programme Management
  • Application Tracker

Analytics tab view: (as Org Admin)

  • Key Statistics
  • Population Analysis
  • Groups
  • Challenges
  • Population Data Distribution

What is a Facility?

A healthcare establishment or clinic offering medical services. Responsibilities vary with the size and type of the Facility (e.g. small clinic vs. large hospital). There can be more than one Facility.

What is a Department?

A specialised unit within a healthcare facility that focuses on specific services or treatments. Responsibilities include Organisational efficiency and Specialisation in services like pathology or radiology. There can be more than one Department.

From the Facilities and Departments (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add New Facility
  • Add New Department
  • Edit Facility
  • Edit Department
  • Delete Empty Facility
  • Delete Empty Department
  • Assign Facility admin to Facility
  • Assign Department Admin to Department

Org Admin can also check the Number of the Department and Address.

Who is a Facility Admin?

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Facility. In the absence of an Organisation Admin, a Facility Admin can manage the Facility. There can be more than one Facility Administrator.

From Facility Admin (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add a New Facility Admin
  • View Facility Admin
  • Edit Facility Admin
  • Delete Facility Admin
  • Enable PII Access
  • Disable PII Access

Org Admin can also check the Facility Admin’s Facility, Last sign-in of Facility Admins

Who is a Department Admin?

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Department. There can be more than one Department Administrator.

From Department Administrators (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add a New Department Admin
  • Edit Department Admin
  • Delete Department Admin
  • Enable PII Access
  • Disable PII Access

Org Admin can also check the Department Admin’s Facility and Department from the Affiliation view and, Last sign-in of Department Admins

What is a Support Team Member (W+)?

Support Team Member (W+) oversees users’ activities, invites, and assigns users. Support Team Member (W+) is also known as STM. There are two types of STM. There are primary and secondary STMs. Support Team Member (W+) roles and responsibilities involve managing patient lists, schedules, and documents, as well as monitoring patient health parameters and compliance.

From the Support Team Member (W+) tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • Add a New Support Team Member (W+)
  • Edit Support Team Member (W+)
  • Delete Support Team Member (W+)
  • Enable PII Access
  • Disable PII Access

Org Admin can also check the Support Team Member’s Facility and Department from the Affiliation view, Specialisation and Last sign-in of Support Team Member (W+)

Who is a User?

A user is a patient who uses the CLH app.

Users’ roles and responsibilities are: onboarding themself as a user, providing Report Health Status, acknowledging scheduled activities such as taking medication and Specialised nutrition, staying hydrated, taking rest, and exercises, logging the physicals, blood pressure, blood glucose & HbA1c, body temperature, SpO2 & PR bpm, lipids, etc.

View from the Users tab, and you’ll land on the Assigned Users list.

From the Users tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • View User list ( All, Assigned, Unassigned, Pending onboarding, Pending Activation, Invited)
  • Invite New User/s
  • Onboard User
  • Edit and Delete Users

Org Admin can also check the User’s Gender, Age, Support Team, Affiliation (Facility and Department), Last sync, Compliance, and View Onboarding Progress.

From the drop-down menu beside Assigned Users, you can find:

  • All Users
  • Assigned Users
  • Unassigned Users
  • Pending Onboarding Users
  • Pending Activation List
  • Invited Users

Program Management tab view: (as Org Admin)

  • Medicines
  • Specialised Nutrition
  • Physiotherapy
  • Predefined Messages
  • Links
  • Themes
  • Alerts/Nudges

From the Program Management tab (as Org Admin), you can:

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Medicines.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Specialised Nutrition.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Physiotherapy.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Predefined Messages.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete Links.

  • Download/Edit Themes.

  • View/Add, Edit/Delete, Alerts/Nudges Template.

In the ConnectedLife Platform, the Application Tracker is a powerful feature designed exclusively for Organisation Admins. Located conveniently next to the Programme Management tab, this feature provides a comprehensive view of app usage, allowing admins to monitor and analyze event-specific data effectively.

Key Features of the Application Tracker

1. Event-wise Data Insights

The Application Tracker enables admins to fetch detailed event-wise data. This granular insight ensures that organisations can track and evaluate user interactions with the app on both Web and Mobile platforms.

2. Custom Date Picker

Admins can select specific date ranges using the custom date picker to retrieve relevant data. This flexibility allows for focused analysis of user activity over any desired period.

3. Comprehensive Data Categories

The data provided by the Application Tracker is organized into the following categories:

User ID: Unique identifier for each user.

City: The geographical location of users.

OS (Operating System): The platform used by the user, such as iOS or Android.

OS Version: The specific version of the operating system in use.

App Opened: Number of times the app was launched.

Time Spent in the App: Total duration users spent engaging with the app.

4. Export Capability

For further analysis, all the data collected through the Application Tracker can be exported as a CSV file. This export functionality makes it easy for organisations to perform in-depth data analysis or integrate the data with other analytics tools.

Benefits of Using the Application Tracker

Enhanced Monitoring: Provides a clear overview of how users interact with the app.

Data-driven Decisions: Facilitates informed decision-making by offering actionable insights.

Improved User Experience: Helps identify trends and areas for improvement, leading to a better app experience for users.

This structured approach ensures that each entity within Wellness Plus has clearly defined roles and responsibilities. The Organisation Admin, holding a pivotal role, facilitates efficient coordination and management across the entire Organisation.

How to add different roles in Wellness Plus

When you log in as an Organisation Admin you can see many different roles. It will also help you to create different roles using phone numbers and emails.

These are:

  • Facility
  • Department
  • Facility admin
  • Department admin
  • Support team member
  • Users


A Facility is a healthcare establishment or clinic providing medical services to patients. Sizes range from small clinics to large hospitals, with services, staff, and structures varying accordingly.

How to add a facility from the Organisation

  • Login with valid credentials associated with your ConnectedLife account.
  • Hover Organisation.
  • Click Facility and Department.
  • Click the +Add New Facility button.
  • Input Facility Name and Address i.e. Hospital name, clinic name, or Organisation name and address.
  • Click on the Add Facility button.

Facility Admin

Facility admins manage administrative tasks of their respective facilities. In the absence of an Organisation Admin, they can manage the facility.

How to add a facility admin

  • Login with valid credentials associated with your ConnectedLife account.
  • Hover Organisation.
  • Click Facility Admin.
  • Under the Organisation Facility admin option, from the right corner click Add a new Facility admin.
  • Input user name.
  • Upload a picture/avatar to identify facility admins easily.
  • Enable/disable PII access.
  • Now fill in all the fields on the basic information page.
  • Subsequently, select the facility under the Facility Details page.
  • After clicking Create Account your Facility admin will be created successfully.


A Department is a Specialised unit within a healthcare facility focusing on specific services or treatments, often found in larger facilities for Organisational efficiency.

How to add a Department from the Organisation

  • Login with valid credentials associated with your ConnectedLife account.
  • Hover Organisation.
  • Click Facility and Department.
  • Click the +Add New Department button.
  • Input Department Name and Parent Facility.
  • Click on the Add Department button.

Department Admin

Department admins are responsible for managing the administrative tasks of their respective departments.

How to add a Department admin

  • Login with valid credentials associated with your ConnectedLife account.
  • Hover Organisation.
  • Click Department Admin.
  • Under the Organisation Department Admin option, from the right corner click Add a new Department admin button.
  • Input user name.
  • Upload picture/avatar to identify Department admins easily.
  • Enable/disable PII access.
  • Now fill in all the fields on the basic information page.
  • Subsequently, select the facility and department under the Affiliation page.
  • After clicking Create Account your Department admin will be created successfully.

Support Team Member

Support Team oversees users’ activities, invites, and assigns users. Support Team Member (Doctor/Clinician) is also known as STM. There are two types of STM. There are primary and secondary STMs. Support Team roles and responsibilities involve managing patient lists, schedules, and documents, as well as monitoring patient health parameters and compliance.

Step 5: How to add a Support Team Member

  • Login with valid credentials associated with your ConnectedLife account.
  • Hover Organisation.
  • Click Support Team Member (W+).
  • Select “Support Team” from the top and then click “Add a New Support Team Member”.
  • Input Support Team Member Details and keep enabling “PII Access”.
  • Input Basic Information including Name, Phone Number country, and specialization.
  • Input Unit Preferences, for example- choose weight preference between Kilogram and pound.
  • Alert Notification Preferences either enabled or disabled this option.
  • Subsequently, select the facility and department under the Facility Details page.
  • After clicking Create Account your Support Team Member account will be created successfully.


A user is a patient who uses the Connectedlife app.

How to Add Users

  • Login with valid credentials associated with your ConnectedLife account.
  • Hover Organisation.
  • Click Users
  • Click to +invite users button
  • Fill up information in Users Details page
  • Select the mode of the way you want to get the invitation
  • Click send an invitation and your invitation will be sent to the user

Otherwise, Users can be added manually or bulk users together from import from CSV

  • Log in to your ConnectedLife Admin account.
  • Go to the “Organisation” tab and select “Users.”
  • Click on the “+Invite User” button.
  • Select “Import from CSV.”

  • Download the CSV Import Template.

  • Open the template and fill in the required user information.

  • Save the filled template as a “.CSV” file.
  • Upload the CSV file containing user information.

  • Click “Send Invitation.”

  • A confirmation pop-up will appear once the invitation is sent.


  • Facility Admin can Create New Facility Admin, Department Admin, New Department, and Support Team members along with Inviting new Users.
  • Department Admin can Create New Department Admin and support Team Members along with Inviting new Users.

ConnectedLife Platform Details

ConnectedLife is a Singapore health-tech company that partners with Fitbit to create wearables for wellness, condition management, and other health-related applications. We are experts when it comes to digital, mobile, sensor, and AI motor state diagnostics. Clinical research, data science, and product development are all part of what we do. ConnectedLife believes discovery is the first step to better health.

Using our single, dynamic wellness score, you can see your health and wellness holistically. By offering wellness compliance solutions at their fingertips, we empower people to live healthier, happier lives.

We customize our health solutions to meet your unique needs, so you can stay healthy and manage chronic conditions. We pair our solutions with consumer wearables, so caregivers can monitor symptoms, and disease progression, and develop a personalised treatment plan.

There are two plans in the ConnectedLife platform:

  • Wellness Plus
  • Wellness

Wellness Plus Plan

Upon logging into the dashboard as an Organisation Admin (Org Admin) at Wellness Plus, authorised personnel gain access to a comprehensive view of all entities within the organisation.

What is an organisation?

A Large Group or Small Healthcare Organisation. There can be more than one group.

Who is the Organisation Admin/Org Admin?

The head admin of the Organisation known as the Org Admin is responsible for managing all the Facilities, Departments and their Admins, Support Team Members (STM), Users, and Content Management in the Organisation.

What is a Facility?

A healthcare establishment or clinic offering medical services. Responsibilities vary with the size and type of the Facility (e.g. small clinic vs. large hospital). There can be more than one Facility.

Who is a Facility Admin?

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Facility. In the absence of an Organisation Admin, a Facility Admin can manage the Facility. There can be more than one Facility Administrator.

What is a Department?

A specialised unit within a healthcare facility that focuses on specific services or treatments. Responsibilities include organisational efficiency and specialisation in services like pathology or radiology. There can be more than one Department.

Who is a Department Admin?

The person who manages administrative tasks of their respective Department. There can be more than one Department Administrator.

What is a Support Team?

Support Team oversees users’ activities, invites, and assigns users. Support Team Member (Doctor/Clinician) is also known as STM. There are two types of STM. There are primary and secondary STMs. Support Team roles and responsibilities involve managing patient lists, schedules, and documents, as well as monitoring patient health parameters and compliance.

Org Admin can also check the Support Team Member’s Facility and Department, specialisation, Last sign-in, and Turn on/off PII (Personal Identifiable Information) Access.

We can view various status ( Assigned Users, Pending Onboarding Users, Invited Users, Incoming) of Users from the drop-down menu.

Who is a User?

A user is a patient who uses the Connectedlife app.

Users’ roles and responsibilities are: onboarding themself as a user, providing Report Health Status, acknowledging scheduled activities such as taking medication and specialised nutrition, staying hydrated, taking rest, and exercises, logging the physicals, blood pressure, blood glucose & HbA1c, body temperature, SpO2 & PR bpm, lipids, etc.

Org Admin can also check the User’s Gender, Age, Support Team, Facility and Department, Last sync, Compliance, and View Onboarding Progress.


  • Within the ConnectedLife Platform, the Analytics tab provides a comprehensive toolkit for analyzing data in a holistic way. Analytics are accessible to organisational roles such as Organisation Admin, Facility Admin, Department Admin, and Support Team Member.
  • Org Admin can also check the Last sign-in, Turn on/off PII (Personal Identifiable Information) Access, and other related facilities of facility admin and department admin.

Wellness Plan

Wellness Admin:

Wellness Admin refers to the Admin of the Wellness Organisation who will handle all Community roles and Health Coaches under it.

Community Admin:

In Wellness, Community Admin aims to manage the administrative tasks of its community. In his/her absence Wellness Admin can manage the Community.

Sub Community Admin:

In Wellness, Sub Community Admin aims to manage the administrative tasks of its Sub community. In his/her absence, the Wellness Admin and community can manage the Sub Community.

Health Coach:

In Wellness, the Health Coach aims to monitor the user/patient’s activities, and invite and assign users. Create challenges and assign to users so they can keep track of their healthy lifestyle. Group is also used in this for role for keeping a number of patients/users of a same health condition for giving better service. Upon logging in as the Health Coach, various roles become visible.

Who is a User?

A user is a patient who uses the Connectedlife app.

Users need to accept and participate in the Challenge. Users can also view their Challenge Progress from the Home Page in the mobile Application.

Why I am facing server error?

Sometimes, you may encounter server errors while using the ConnectedLife platform, and we want to assure you that these interruptions are often due to maintenance, essential for enhancing performance and security.

Our team is actively addressing these issues. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during these brief periods of maintenance.

If you encounter any persistent issues or have further concerns, please feel free to reach out to our support team at support@connectedlifesupport.zendesk.com

Thank you for choosing ConnectedLife.


How to Add Challenge Template?

To add a Challenge Template, a Clinician is capable of performing this task.

Challenge Templates are intended to streamline the process of creating a new challenge and inviting participants. This guide outlines the sequential process for adding a Challenge Template through the ConnectedLife platform.

To initiate the addition of a Challenge Template, follow these steps:

Step 1:

Start by logging in with your valid credentials associated with your ConnectedLife account. Then, navigate to Programme Management and select Challenges from the dropdown menu.

Step 2:

Click on the Calendar dropdown option and choose Challenge Template. Then, click on +Add Challenge Template, which will direct you to the page to Create a New Challenge Template.

Step 3:

At this point, ensure all mandatory fields on the Challenge Template Details and Challenge Template Goals pages are completed, selected, and saved. Then, proceed to the next step.

Step 4:

Upon clicking on +Add Goal, Fill the section of Challenge Template Goals and Save. Later,Click on Create Template. A confirmation pop-up will appear to confirm your action.


Upon selecting Challenge Template from the dropdown option, newly created Challenge Templates will be visible here. You can also Delete or Edit the Challenge Template from this interface.


What is Calender in Challenges?

The Challenges section features a Calendar view.

Once a Challenge is created, it will appear under the Calendar options, showing its designated date range.

Calendar options can be viewed monthly or weekly, and the challenge template can be accessed and created via a dropdown menu.

Upon using the +Add New Challenge button, the created challenge will be displayed on the dashboard’s calendar on the specified date.

Participants or groups can be invited by selecting the challenge option below the chosen dates on the calendar. Furthermore, challenges can be edited and deleted from this interface.


How to Add New Challenges?

If you need to Add New Challenges to a user’s profile, a Clinician can perform this task.

Challenges are comprised of goals specific to individual users. This guide outlines the step-by-step process for adding new challenges via the ConnectedLife platform.

To commence the process of adding a new challenge, adhere to these steps:

Step 1:

Commence by logging in with your valid credentials linked to your ConnectedLife account. Then, navigate to Programme Management and select Challenges from the dropdown menu.

Step 2:

Subsequently, click on +Add New Challenge, which will direct you to the page for creating a new challenge. Here, you’ll encounter two options in the Challenge Type dropdown: Challenge Template and Custom Challenge. Choose the one that best fits your requirements and proceed to the next step.

Step 3:

At this stage, ensure all mandatory fields on the Challenge Type and Challenge Details pages are completed and selected. Then, proceed to the next step.

Step 4:

Upon clicking on +Add Goals, Fill the section of Challenge Goals and Save. Later, Click on Create Challenge. You’ll then be redirected to options to invite users to participate in the challenge. However, this step is optional; you may choose to skip it.

Step 5:

Upon completing the above steps, you will be redirected to the challenge page, where newly created challenges will be visible under the Calendar options.


You have the option to invite participants or groups, as well as edit or delete challenges by selecting the challenge directly beneath the chosen dates on the calendar.

What is Challenges in Programme Management?

A Clinician is capable of creating and inviting Challenges to a user’s profile.

Challenges consist of user-specific goals.

Once logged in with your valid ConnectedLife account credentials, navigate to Programme Management and access the Challenges section. A Calendar view will be displayed, where you can create a new Challenge and invite users to participate.

You can view calendar options on a monthly or weekly basis. Additionally, you can access and create the challenge template by clicking on the dropdown option.

After creating a challenge using the +Add new challenge button, it will appear on the calendar of the specified date in the dashboard. You have the option to select a single date or multiple dates to create a challenge in Programme Management.


You can invite participants or groups by selecting the challenge option directly beneath the chosen dates on the calendar.


How to schedule Nudges Programme Management?

If you need to assign Nudges to a user’s profile, a Support Team Member can perform this task.

A nudge softly prompts attention to a particular issue, aiming to shape behaviors. This manual outlines the step-by-step procedure for scheduling nudges via the ConnectedLife platform.

To initiate the schedule of a new Alert, follow these steps:

Step 1:

Begin by logging in with your valid credentials associated with your ConnectedLife account. Then, navigate to Alerts/Nudges under Programme Management. Click Nudges from the drop down option.

Step 2:

Next, click on “+Add a New Alert/Nudge,” which will redirect you to the page for creating a new Alert/Nudge. Here, you’ll encounter two options: Alerts//Nudges Template and Custom. Choose the one that suits your needs and proceed to the next step.

Step 3:

In this stage, complete all the mandatory fields. Additionally, ensure that you select the Nudges type as Scheduled.

Step 4:

Now, choose the mode of notification (SMS, E-mail, or Dashboard notification), craft the message, and proceed to the next step. You’ll then be redirected to assign the Nudges to Users.

Step 5:

Select the users to whom you wish to assign the Nudges/Nudges, and click on “Assign Alerts/Nudges.” A confirmation pop-up will appear to confirm your action.


Please note that the specified nudge time will be received by the user according to their local time zone.