About Wellness Plus
Organisation Admin Dashboard (Facility/Department Included)
Q: How do I create a Support team account?
A: “A support team account is created by an Organisation Admin, Facility Admin, and Department Admin using email and phone number.” Please note that you can create only one account using the same email/phone number.
Q: What is 2FA and why do I need that to log in to the dashboard?
A: 2FA is Two-Factor Authentication; an additional step for protecting online accounts, that is needed for access to the dashboard. You can set up a 6-digit 2FA PIN at the time of creating an account.
Q: What is Population Analysis?
A: Deeper insights into the dynamics of well-being and involvement within the community or organisation are provided by the customisable date function, which enables a targeted analysis of patterns across particular time frames of a certain period. For more information please click here.
Q: What is Population Data Distribution?
A: You will acquire a variety of health and wellness metrics of your population. A wide range of indicators can be examined, including but not limited to BMI, waist circumference, activity levels, and sleep patterns. The functionality permits modifications allowing examinations within designated time intervals of up to ninety days. For more information please click here.
Q: Why I cannot see an onboarded user from my Facility/Department/Support Team Account?
A: If you can’t find the user in your Facility/Department/Support Team, it’s likely because the user hasn’t been assigned to your specific Facility/Department/Support Team. It’s important to ensure that the Department is aligned with the same Facility where the Support Team Member is assigned. This alignment is crucial for proper visibility and coordination.
Support Team Dashboard
Q: Can I schedule 2 exercises in the morning on the same exercise group?
A: You can only schedule 2 exercises daily in the Same Exercise Group; 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening.
Q: Why are there no users in my Support Team account?
A: Users are assigned to their respective support team members by an administrator once they have completed their onboarding process. You will then be able to view those users assigned to you.
Q: What is the User overview page?
A: In the “Users” panel, you will be able to see an overview of all the users under you. Users are arranged by alert level severity and medical Condition, with the users displaying the highest alert type at the top of the list. Each user has their own detailed page that you can view to see details on a more individual level. Features such as geolocation, medication adherence, and schedule would be under the individual user page.
Q: What are Key Parameters?
A: The Key Parameter column displays a summary of the user’s health condition and improvement. You can view the details of the user’s self-reported conditions by hovering your cursor over the dot. Different colors of the numbers will help you to identify if the numbers are within/outside the normal range; green being within the normal range, and red being outside the normal range. Different directions of the arrows will help you to identify if the condition is in a good trend or bad trend. The arrow pointing up shows improving condition, arrow pointing down shows worsening condition.
Q: How many medication(s) can I schedule for my user(s)?
A: There is no limit to the number of medications that can be scheduled for users. Medications scheduled should be based on the prescriptions given to patients and after users have been advised on the dosing regimen, possible drug interactions, and side effects.
Q: What are Challenges used for?
A: On the Challenges screen, you will find an overview of your ongoing and completed challenges and the challenges you have been invited to participate in.
Q: If the user sends a message using the app, will the Support Team be able to see it on the dashboard?
A: The support Team account cannot view user replies, resulting in a one-way communication channel from the STM perspective. Text messages can only be sent and received by the uLink Account (24×7 Monitoring & Escalation Account).
Q: How do I send broadcast messages to users?
A: In the user overview page you can select the users that you want to send a message to and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the broadcast message feature.
Q: What can I monitor on the individual User page?
A: In the Patient Overview page you can select the patients that you want to send a message to and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the broadcast message feature. You can also view the Patient’s Info, Body Mesurements, Vital Signs, Date of Assesment, Overview, Analysis, Challenges, and Documents.
Q: What is the small watch icon near a metric on the overview section?
A: The watch icon next to a metric represents data that is collected from the user’s wearable device.
Q: How do I see more detailed information about a particular metric?
A: Clicking the box icon in the right-hand corner of a metric will expand the metric to provide more detailed information.Q: What is schedule management used for?
A: Based on the day’s overview and the analysis report, If required then support team member can schedule Medication and Specialised Nutrition for the user. Apart from medication, the schedule also allows you to set reminders for staying hydrated, reporting symptoms at specific times per day, or to exercise and rest. These reminders are set in place to help nudge the user to perform the required logs. These logs will help the user better track the development of their symptoms and help you better understand how they are progressing in their recovery.
Q: Can I upload documents for the user?
A: Yes, you can upload documents for the user and allow them to view the documents through the application. The users can also upload documents for your review and storage.
Q: How do I refresh the data shown on the dashboard?
A: On the right side of the dashboard, there is a refresh icon. Please click this button to refresh the dashboard and refreshed data will be displayed. Please avoid using the browser refresh button as this can cause the dashboard to log you out of your account.
About Wellness
Q: Why my user(s) are not able to see their exercise schedules?
A: The user will need to click the “Accept Challenge” button to accept the respective schedules set by the Support Team Member.
Q: What does Overall Compliance represent?
A: The Overall Compliance column displays a summary of the user’s daily schedule adherence. You can view the detailed schedule of the user by hovering your cursor over the dot. Different colors of the numbers will help you to identify if the percentage is in a good or bad range. Green being range of 61%-100%, yellow being 41%-60%, orange being 21%-40%, red being 0%-20%.
About Wellness Score
Q: What is the Wellness Score?
A: Wellness Score means how well you are. It can measure the overall health condition. The wellness data is retrieved from the activities recorded via the Fitbit device and the information entered by the individual. This assessment can help show us early signs of anything that needs attention. It shows the long-term wellness score based on users’ daily data. Wellness score data is gathered from the wearable device. The wellness score provides an insight into your well-being and potential health risks highlighting any areas you need to work on to improve. Each health and wellness parameter we capture is compared to a reference range. Where you sit on this reference range indicates a healthy or unhealthy contribution to your wellness score. The level of this contribution is based on published scientific research that has assessed longitudinal risk to your health based on each parameter. In the Analysis section, click the three dots on the right-hand side of the wellness score to edit targets, the targets page will open and you can adjust the value for individual metrics.
You can check the wellness score from the Analysis page of the CLH UAT App.
Q: Why have a wellness score?
A: The Wellness Score provides insights into an individual’s well-being and potential health risks, to help improve health outcomes. It assists with behavior change by motivating and focusing an individual on areas that will have the most positive impact on health outcomes.
Q: What parameters are included in the wellness score?
A: Heart rate, Heart-rate variability, Breathing rate, Blood Oxygen Saturation, Exercise, Sedentary time(immobility), Steps, Walking Speed, Body Shape Index, Blood Pressure, Management of Blood Sugar, Blood lipid content, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Happiness, Smoking, Alcohol intake, and diet.
Q: How is the wellness score calculated?
A: A 70% median health score is added to or subtracted from based on published and peer-reviewed Hazard Ratios (HR) relating to the biometric and health values aggregated within the CLH UAT application. The calculation is adapted to different population groups with varying risk factors that should be taken into account and differing hazard ratios relating to their levels of risk. The overall contribution of each parameter is weighted depending on the hazard ratio for the individual parameters. There are some parameters like sleep, exercise, and steps. Heart rate is captured automatically from wearable devices. On the other hand, some parameters can be self-logged by the user from the CLH UAT app, for example: Fruit and vegetable intake, Blood lipid profile, BMI, Alcohol intake, and Blood Pressure. The higher the potential Hazard Ratio of a parameter the larger the contribution of the parameter to the wellness score.
The color range defines the positive and negative contribution of wellness score, cause of concern, needs improvement, needs attention, or in good condition. The green (Good) and blue (Attention) conditions give a positive contribution, while the yellow (Risky) and orange (Critical) conditions give a negative contribution. The total wellness score indicates how well the individual is doing.
Q: How does the wellness score work?
A: The wellness score provides an insight into your well-being and potential health risks highlighting any areas you need to work on to improve. Each health parameter we capture is compared to a reference range. Where you sit on this reference range indicates a healthy or unhealthy contribution to your wellness score. The level of this contribution is based on published scientific research that has assessed longitudinal risk to your health based on each parameter.
Q: What do the colors signify in the wellness score?
A: Green – Positive contributor to your health if maintained at this level.
Blue – Neutral/Borderline positive contributor to your health if maintained at this level.
Yellow – Moderately negative contributor to your health if maintained at this level.
Orange – Negative contributor to your health if maintained at this level.
Q: When does my wellness score get updated?
A: Your wellness score is updated in full at the end of each day. However certain parameters will be updated in your score at earlier points throughout the day. Please log as much data as possible on a daily basis to maintain an accurate wellness score.
Q: Can I change the target values for the wellness score?
A: Yes, The ranges set by default are reference ranges used as a general marker. Depending on the patient, you can adjust the target values. In the Analysis section, click the three dots on the right-hand side of the wellness score to edit targets, the targets page will open and you can adjust the value for individual metrics.
About CLH UAT Mobile App
Q: How long does it take to sync Tracker data to CLH UAT App?
A: It takes up to 30 minutes to update the CLH UAT App with the latest Tracker data.
Q: I can’t see any data or information on my app, for example: the Analysis Page is not showing any information.
A: Restart the app. Close the app and remove it from the background running. If that does not work, try to log out and log in again.
Q: Where can I download the CLH UAT App?
A: The CLH UAT app is available for download from the Apple App Store and Android Google Play Store.
Q: What is the Wellness Score?
A: The Wellness Score, calculated using scientifically validated hazard ratios and established risk factors, utilizes Fitbit data, self-logged metrics, inputs from vital signs monitoring, and AI tools to provide details of an individual’s health and wellness aspects.
Q: How do I interpret the Wellness Score? When should I be concerned?
A: A message is available together with the Wellness Score to let you know how you fare as compared to others in the same demographic group as yours. Should your Wellness Score deviate substantially from those in your demographic group, you will be alerted by this message.
Q: Is my Wellness Score updated in real-time?
A: It is updated as soon as data is synced.
Q: Why is my Wellness Score the same even after I had new inputs?
A: Please ensure your Tracker data has been synced.
Q: What happens if my phone battery goes off? What will happen to my data?
A: It will be uploaded as soon as the data is synced again.
Q: What does the ‘Support Team Member’ mean?
A: Support Team oversees users’ activities, invites, and assigns users. Support Team Member is also known as STM.
Q: How do I know if I have any abnormalities in my health signs?
A: You can see from your Wellness Score how it differs from those in the same demographic group as you. You can view what the negative contributors to your score are and find out more there.
Q: Can I use more than 1 device for the same account?
A: No, you can only have one device synced to your account at one time.
Q: Is my data in the app identifiable?
A: Data in your app is only identifiable to you and your registered support team member. You can at any time revoke access or request for removal of your data from our systems by contacting us at support.data@connectedlife.io
Q: Why is my location being tracked consistently?
A: There is a feature within the app that uses background location consistently, I believe that this is the reason that the app is consistently running. This feature is a specific feature for cohorts under quarantine (a COVID quarantine usage for example) or patients with dementia. The feature is used to geofence users and alert their care teams when they stay out of geofenced locations.
To switch off the location features please follow these steps:
- Open CLH UAT App
- Go to Profile, then tap on Geolocation
- Switch off the Location sharing
- Switch off the Geolocation Address
Q: What are the differences between Primary and Secondary Support Team Member?
- Users can choose only one primary support team member, but they have the flexibility to add multiple secondary Support Team Member W+ within the same facility.
- Primary Support Team Member W+ can invite users, while Secondary Support Team Member W+ can assign existing users within the same facility and department.
- Primary Support Team Member W+ can customise widgets for mobile, providing tailored support to users. Secondary Support Team Member W+, unfortunately, does not have this capability.
- Primary Support Team Member W+ has access to customise the Personalized Health Status Questionnaire, allowing for a more tailored user experience. Secondary Support Team Member W+ does not have this access.
- Primary Support Team Member W+ can assign, edit, or remove secondary Support Team Member W+. On the other hand, secondary Support Team Member W+ cannot perform affiliation functions for users.
- In essence, primary Support Team Member W+ is mandatory for each user, ensuring essential support, while Secondary Support Team Member W+ is optional, offering additional assistance as needed. This distinction helps create a supportive environment tailored to each user’s needs.
Q: Why should we know about the user’s racial origin?
A: Understanding both race and ethnicity is crucial in healthcare, as they may influence susceptibility to certain diseases. Race primarily pertains to physical traits, while ethnicity relates to cultural upbringing and associated factors. By considering both, doctors can enhance their ability to assess and deliver optimal medical care tailored to individual needs.
About Fitness Tracker
Q: What wearable devices are compatible with the CLH UAT App?
A: Fitbit: The CLH UAT app seamlessly integrates with Fitbit devices, offering compatibility. Additionally, the CLH UAT clock face is specifically designed for use with Fitbit Versa 3, Versa 4, Sense, and Sense 2 models. Apple Watch: The CLH UAT App is compatible with Apple Watches, but it’s important to note that they can only be paired with iOS devices.Samsung Watch: The CLH UAT App is compatible with Samsung Smart Watches that run on Android, i.e. Galaxy Watch 4,5,6.
Q: What happens to the data sync if the user deletes or logs out of the CLH UAT app?
A: Data continues syncing even if the app is uninstalled or the user logs out. Syncing occurs in the backend, so data will sync back to the app upon reinstallation or log in.
Q: How is data input capability managed and authorised within the system?
A: Only authorised devices and the backend are permitted to input data into a user’s records. To grant authorisation to devices, users must “Link” their devices, which generates a token from the backend. This token, which expires approximately every 2 hours, can be refreshed as needed and must be provided each time data is input into the backend.
- For Fitbit, authorised devices include the Fitbit watch and backend cron jobs.
- For Samsung, the authorised device is the Samsung watch.
- For Apple, authorised devices encompass the Apple Watch and the CLH UAT application.
Q: Can the CLH UAT app fetch data from only 1 active device at a time?
A: Yes, only 1 device at a time.
Q: How does the system handle data if the user has more than one wearable device?
A: The CLH UAT app fetches data from only 1 active device at a time. Data repopulates accordingly upon device switching. Additionally, If the user switches from the Fitbit device to the Apple Watch, then the user data resumes from the Fitbit data. Also, the previous data of the Fitbit device will remain the same.
Q: Does Fitbit data continue to sync without the CLH UAT app being opened?
A: Yes, Fitbit data syncs continuously. Syncing happens when the CLH UAT app is opened.
Q: What happens to the data sync if the user deletes the CLH UAT clock face?
A: The clock face will function normally as it syncs directly to the backend.
Q: What happens to the CLH UAT clock face if the user deletes or logs out of the CLH UAT app?
A: Nudges for exercise and medication still work if logged out, but if the app is deleted, the clock face won’t function. However, syncing with the Fitbit app is necessary for data sync.
Q: When a user reinstalls the CLH UAT app or logs back in, how far back does data synchronisation go?
A: Fitbit user data stored in the cloud repopulates upon relinking the device.
Q: How long can Fitbit store data if unconnected to the app?
A: Most Fitbit devices store up to 7 days of detailed data and summary data for up to 30 days. Manual entry is possible beyond 7 days.
Q: Does data remain stored on Fitbit’s cloud servers as long as the device remains synced?
A: Yes, subject to user consent, data retention laws, and Google’s privacy policy.
Q: What is the correct data flow of the Fitbit device?
A: Fitbit device syncs data with Fitbit app via Bluetooth → App sends data to Fitbit’s cloud servers → CLH UAT app fetches data every 30 minutes and stores it in the database.
Q: What happens if I get a new Fitbit Watch or Phone during the course of the program?
A: If you purchase a new Fitbit watch, please pair and connect your new watch to your Fitbit account, Doing so will link your Fitbit watch to the Program as the connection has already been established. If you purchase a new Phone, please ensure you download the Fitbit application and the Wellness Plus application and go through the login process as before. Your data and accounts are already active and just require you to log back into the application.
Q: Why do I need to use my Fitbit ID to log into the app?
A: We require your Fitbit ID and authorisation in order to sync your Fitbit wearable data with our dashboard and application to provide a complete and centralized experience through our platform.
Q: Do I need to sync my data daily?
A: Yes, syncing daily allows for the platform to provide you with up-to-date scores and information for yourself and your care team.
Apple Watch
Q: If the user deletes the app or logs out, does all sync stop?
A: Yes, syncing stops, but resumes upon login.
Q: Will the CLH UAT clock face for Apple work if the app is deleted or logged out?
A: The clock face functions but wellness scores won’t be accurate.
Q: Will data catch up after reinstalling?
A: The data will be fetched from the last successful sync. The iOS CLH UAT clock face is the most dependent on the mobile application since health data is fetched on the iPhone. When the user reinstalls the app the data will resync automatically with Apple Health and then all the backend will be updated.
Q: What data types can’t be fetched from an Apple Watch?
A: Certain data types like raw sensor data, ECG, blood glucose, etc., due to privacy and policy reasons.
Q: How do you pull data from Apple Watch into the CLH UAT app?
A: By Utilizing the HealthKit framework. HealthKit is a framework that allows developers to access and share health and fitness data stored on an iOS device, including data collected by the Apple Watch.
Samsung Watch (We will put this when the Samsung watch is available)
Q: If the user deletes the app or logs out, does the sync stop?
A: Sync continues from the watch.
Q: Will the CLH UAT clock face for Samsung work if the app is deleted or logged out?
A: Yes, as syncing occurs from the watch.
About Privacy & Data
Q: When a user deletes and then reinstalls the CLH UAT Mobile app using the same credentials, what happens to their historical or user data?
A: The historical or user data will be available.
Q: Is user data stored as per the agreed retention period?
A: Yes, subject to user consent and legal obligations.
Q: Can the user request data extraction and sharing?
A: Yes, under data protection regulations. Data is provided in a structured, machine-readable format.
Q: Is my data protected? How is it being kept secure?
A: Yes, your data is protected. CLH UAT Health ensures that all data is kept secure and managed with the strictest confidence. There are technical components such as data encryption and secure storage as well as access controls to ensure that data remains secure at all times.
Q: What data is being collected?
A: Data from your Fitbit device and any manually input data is collected through the platform. A full list of data points collected can be requested by emailing support.data@connectedlife.io Any data collected requires your consent and approval before any data collection occurs. This occurs during the onboarding of the program.
Q: Who is my data shared with?
A: Your data is only shared with your Registered support team member and with service providers to provide tools such as billing and maintenance. Your data may be used in an anonymised fashion to generate population metrics and trends.
Q: Can I request access to my personal data held by CLH UAT Health?
A: You can contact support.data@CLH UAT.io or 9145 1576 to request access to your personal data. You are required to submit evidence of your identity for verification purposes before the request can be processed. We reserve the right to refuse to provide you access to personal data in the case of exceptions as stated in the Fifth Schedule of the PDPA.
Q: Do I have the right to request data deletion?
A: Yes, with verification and transparency. 30 days of processing duration will be needed according to the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and relevant data privacy regulations.
About Wellness Plan
There are two subscription plan options within the CLH UAT Platform to choose from: the wellness plan and the wellness plus plan. Your specific needs will determine the plan that best fits you. To access the generated wellness plan, log in to the Support Team member account and search for the user using their username and ID. Once you’ve located the user, click on their profile. Within the profile options, including overview and analysis, you’ll find the wellness plan next to Alerts/Nudges. Click on the wellness plan to view its details.