How to add Predefined Message?

Predefined Message is a pre-added message set by the Organisation admin for the Support Team and Users.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Access the Admin Dashboard

Simply log in to the Admin dashboard and navigate to Programme Management. Then, choose “Predefined Messages” from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Add Your Messages

In the message section, you’ll find lists for users and support teams. Select the recipients (users or support team members) from the dropdowns in the upper left corner. Next, click “Add New Message” in the upper right corner.

Here’s what to do next:

  • Craft a message within 200 characters.
  • Click to add the message.

  • Your predefined message is now added successfully.


  • Organisation Admins can send these messages to individual users or broadcast them to multiple users.
  • Support team members also have this ability.
  • Users can easily access these predefined messages from the app’s message options.

How to add Physiotherapy?

Efficiently managing physiotherapy exercises and equipment within an Organisation is crucial for providing quality care. To simplify this process, we’ve outlined easy steps to add exercises and equipment to your system.

Follow these steps for seamless integration:

Step 1: Access Organisation Admin Dashboard

  • Log in to the Organisation Admin dashboard.
  • Navigate to Programme Management and select Physiotherapy from the dropdown menu.

Step 2: Adding Exercises

  • Go to the exercise section.
  • Choose “Add New Exercise” from the upper right corner.

  • Fill in exercise details:
    • Exercise name
    • Instructions
    • Upload exercise video (not exceeding 500KB).

  • Click “Add Exercise” to save.

Step 3: Adding Equipment

  • Select the equipment type from the upper left corner.
  • Click “Add New Equipment” from the upper right corner.

  • Provide equipment details:
    • Equipment name
    • Equipment specifications (size and weight)

  • Click “Add Equipment” to finalise.

Note: Ensure exercise videos are within 500KB in size for uploading.

How to add Specialised Nutrition?

Effortlessly manage and add new Specialised nutrition in the Organisation Admin dashboard with these simple steps:

  1. Log in to the Organisation Admin dashboard and navigate to Programme Management. Select “Specialised Nutrition” from the dropdown menu.

  1. Click on “Add New Specialised Nutrition” in the specialised nutrition section. In the upper right corner, select the option.

  1. Manually add new Specialised nutrition:
    • Provide nutrition name, brand name, and flavor (e.g., Vanilla, Chocolate).
    • Choose the nutrition form from the dropdown menu.
    • Input consistency and remaining stock, specifying mg, ml, or mcg.
    • Upload a nutrition picture four times.
    • Confirm to add the nutrition successfully.

  1. Alternatively, import new nutrition from CSV:
    • Download the CSV import template.
    • Add multiple nutrition based on the template format.
    • Upload the completed template by selecting the CSV file.
    • Click to add nutrition, and all items will be successfully added.

This streamlined process empowers Organisation admins to efficiently manage specialised nutrition.

How to add Medicines?

Effortlessly manage and add new medicines in the Programme Management section of the Organisation Admin tab with these simple steps:

  • Access the Organisation Admin dashboard and navigate to Programme Management, then click on “Medicine.”

  • In the medicines section, select “+Add New Medicine” located in the upper right corner.

  • Enter the medicine details including name, brand, form, strength, mg, and upload an image. Click to confirm and add the new medicine.

  • Confirm the addition of the medicine or cancel the action.

  • Once confirmed, the medicine will be successfully added.

  • For multiple medicines, download the CSV import template. Fill in the details following the template format and upload it. After uploading, confirm that you have added all medicines successfully.

With these steps, Organisation Admins can efficiently manage and add medicines to the system.

What is Prorgamme Management?

Programme Management is the list of features and functions that can be set by the Organisation Admin based on the user’s needs.

Under Programme Management, the Organisation Admin can add, edit, and delete content such as:

  • Medicines
  • Specialised Nutrition
  • Physiotherapy
  • Predefined Messages
  • Links
  • Themes
  • Alerts/Nudges


The Medicines screen is a list of medications that can be prescribed for users for specific symptoms and conditions.

Specialised Nutrition

Specialised Nutrition is designed to meet the nutritional or dietary needs of patients living with a disease, disorder, or medical condition.


Physiotherapy is a list of exercises and equipment that can be assigned to the user’s condition.

Predefined Messages

A predefined message is a pre-added message provided to customers from the Support team and also from the support team to customers. These messages can be set by the Organisation admin.


The link is an eCOA survey questionnaire provided by the support team to users.


There is a feature whereby an Organisation can Customise their mobile app according to the desired styles.


Alerts/nudges are some kind of notification or reminder that users get based on a certain condition. Alerts can be sent from support team members and nudges are for the user.

Note: Support Team Member (W+) can add Alerts / Nudges to the User profile, accessible through the Program Management tab feature within the clinician login view.

Programme Management is the list of features and functions that can be set by the Organisation Admin based on the user’s needs.

Under Programme Management, the Organisation Admin can add, edit, and delete content such as:

  • Medicines
  • Specialised Nutrition
  • Physiotherapy
  • Predefined Messages
  • Links
  • Themes
  • Alerts/Nudges


The Medicines screen is a list of medications that can be prescribed for users for specific symptoms and conditions.

Specialised Nutrition

Specialised Nutrition is designed to meet the nutritional or dietary needs of patients living with a disease, disorder, or medical condition.


Physiotherapy is a list of exercises and equipment that can be assigned to the user’s condition.

Predefined Messages

A predefined message is a pre-added message provided to customers from the Support team and also from the support team to customers. These messages can be set by the Organisation admin.


The link is an eCOA survey questionnaire provided by the support team to users.


There is a feature whereby an Organisation can Customise their mobile app according to the desired styles.


Alerts/nudges are some kind of notification or reminder that users get based on a certain condition. Alerts can be sent from support team members and nudges are for the user.

Note: Support Team Member (W+) can add Alerts / Nudges to the User profile, accessible through the Program Management tab feature within the clinician login view.

What is Affiliation in users list?

This article will help you to understand “What is Affiliation in users list.”. This user affiliation option is available from the Organisation Admin, Facility Admin, Department Admin, and Support Team Member (W+) dashboards. Support Team Member (W+) cannot view the affiliation choice option if Support Team PII access is disabled by the Organisation Administrator.

Users affiliation is users can choose and change the Facility, Primary and Secondary Support Team Member, and Organisation using the information they have provided about their affiliation.

To access the affiliation in the user list option, you must follow the method-

  • Log in to your ConnectedLife Organisation Admin account.
  • Navigate to the “Organisation” tab and select “Users.”
  • You will be directed to the Assigned Users.
  • In the right corner of each user, you will see the affiliation icon.

After clicking the affiliation icon, you will see this window and can save adjustments.

Affiliation can be seen and edited using the affiliation tab or the edit option of the user; both are the same.

What is View option in users list?

The Users list view option is the same for Organisation Admin users, Facility Admin users tab, Department Admin users tab, and Support Team Member (W+) users tabs. This article will help you to understand “What is the view option in users list.”.

View option is a feature that allows users to observe how patients are onboarded, including whether they have logged in, completed the onboarding process, and been allocated a support team member. Three steps are displayed in this view choice.

Among them are-

1. User has successfully logged in and been onboarded.

2. User designates members of the support team.

3. The third option is User Contacted, which requires you to select and preserve the contacted choice.

  • When the user completes all three stages, the screen turns green, indicating that the task is finished.
  • The color yellow indicates that users have finished one or two steps.
  • White indicates that the user has not yet begun utilising the platform.

How to onboard user on the Platform?

This article will help you to onboard a user within the ConnectedLife platform. Specific organisational roles such as Organisation Admin, Facility Admin, and Support Team Member can onboard user(s).

Follow these steps based on your role within the system:

For Organisation Admins:

  • Log in to your ConnectedLife Organisation Admin account.
  • Navigate to the “Organisation” tab and select “Users.”
  • Click on the drop-down menu and select Pending Onboarding Users list.
  • Now click on the Onboard button of the user you want to onboard.
  • Fill in all the necessary information in all the steps and click on Next.
  • Select the Primary Support Team Member and Department.
  • A pop-up window will appear stating that User onboarded successfully.

For Facility Admins:

  • Log in to your ConnectedLife Organisation Admin account.
  • Navigate to the “Facility” tab and select “Users.”
  • Click on the drop-down menu and select Pending Onboarding Users list.
  • Now click on the Onboard button of the user you want to onboard.
  • Fill in all the necessary information in all the steps and click on Next.
  • Select the Primary Support Team Member and Department.
  • A pop-up window will appear stating that User onboarded successfully.

For Support Team Members:

  • Access your ConnectedLife Support Team Member account.
  • Navigate to the “My Users” tab and select “Users.”
  • Click on the drop-down menu and select Pending Onboarding Users list.
  • Now click on the Onboard button of the user you want to onboard.
  • Fill in all the necessary information in all the steps and click on Next.
  • Select the Primary Support Team Member and Department.
  • A pop-up window will appear stating that User onboarded successfully.

Note: Department and Support Team Member must remain under the same Facility.

By following these steps, organisational roles can efficiently Onboard Users, streamlining management and support processes.

What is Invited Users?

Understanding the “Invited Users” is crucial for managing responsibilities effectively within the ConnectedLife Platform. Invited Users are those who are invited by admin or support team member but have not registered.

Specific organisational roles such as Organisation Admin, Facility Admin, Department Admin, and Support Team Member can access the list of Invited Users, follow these steps based on your role within the system:

For Organisation Admins:

  • Log in to your ConnectedLife Organisation Admin account.
  • Navigate to the “Organisation” tab and select “Users.”
  • Now click on the drop-down menu and select Invited.

For Facility Admins:

  • Access your ConnectedLife Facility Admin account.
  • Navigate to the “Facility” tab and select “Users.”
  • Now click on the drop-down menu and select Invited.

For Department Admins:

  • Access your ConnectedLife Department Admin account.
  • Navigate to the “Department” tab and select “Users.”
  • Now click on the drop-down menu and select Invited.

For Support Team Members:

  • Access your ConnectedLife Support Team Member account.
  • Navigate to the “My Users” tab and select “Users.”
  • Now click on the drop-down menu and select Invited.

By following these steps, organisational roles can efficiently locate the Invited Users, streamlining management and support processes.

Please Note that every user invitation has an expiration date. Users must complete the registration before the expiration of the invitation depending on the Organisation Admin setting. Invitations can be resent accordingly.

What is Pending Activation List?

Understanding the “Pending Activation List” is crucial for managing responsibilities effectively within the ConnectedLife Platform. After completing the microsite registration, Pending activation is a temporary status for users who have not completed the mobile onboarding procedure (download app & complete profile).

Specific organisational roles such as Organisation Admin, and Facility Admin can access the list of Pending Activation List, follow these steps based on your role within the system:

For Organisation Admins:

  • Log in to your ConnectedLife Organisation Admin account.
  • Navigate to the “Organisation” tab and select “Users.”
  • Now click on the drop-down menu and select Pending Activation List.

For Facility Admins:

  • Access your ConnectedLife Facility Admin account.
  • Navigate to the “Facility” tab and select “Users.”
  • Now click on the drop-down menu and select Pending Activation List.

Note: For Pending Activation Users, users can choose Support Team Member but Support Team cannot assign the User.

By following these steps, organisational roles can efficiently locate the Pending Activation List, streamlining management and support processes.