What is the process of calculating Wellness Score?

This article outlines the step-by-step process of the overall calculation of wellness scores for the ConnectedLife platform.

Upon submitting the “Report Health Status,” inputting Profile Log data, incorporating physicals, and syncing wearable device data, the system consolidates positive contributions while offsetting negative factors to derive a comprehensive wellness score.

The wellness score provides an insight into your well-being and potential health risks highlighting any areas you need to work on to improve. Each health and wellness parameter we capture is compared to a reference range. Where you sit on this reference range indicates a healthy or unhealthy contribution to your wellness score. The level of this contribution is based on published scientific research that has assessed longitudinal risk to your health based on each parameter.

You can check the wellness score from the Overview/Analysis page of the dashboard. In the overview, you can check a single day’s wellness score data. But on the analysis page, you can check up to 90 day’s wellness score data.

Wellness Score’s data calculation

A 70% median health score is added to or subtracted from based-on published and peer-reviewed Hazard Ratios (HR) relating to the biometric and health values aggregated within the ConnectedLife application. The calculation is adapted to different population groups with varying risk factors that should be taken into account and differing hazard ratios relating to their levels of risk. The overall contribution of each parameter is weighted depending on the hazard ratio for the individual parameters.

There are some parameters like sleep, exercise, and steps. Heart rate is captured automatically from wearable devices. On the other hand, some parameters can be self-logged by the user from the CLH app example: Fruit and vegetable intake, Blood lipid profile, BMI, Alcohol intake, and Blood Pressure. The higher the potential Hazard Ratio of a parameter the larger the contribution of the parameter to the wellness score.

90 Days Wellness Score data calculation from the Analysis page of the dashboard.

1 Day Wellness Score data calculation from the Overview page of the dashboard.

Note: A baseline wellness score of 70 suggests a generally healthy state, with areas for potential improvement highlighted in orange and yellow sections. Achieving a score of 100 signifies optimal well-being in the captured parameters. Strive to maintain a wellness score above 70 by actively engaging in positive contributions.


What is the Analysis page in the user dashboard?

This article will help you to understand the overall details about the Analysis Page in the ConnectedLife dashboard.

What you can see from the Analysis Page

From the Analysis page, you can access the data for up to 90 days. The analysis section includes the user’s information, plotted into a graphical report format for easy viewing. This will help you to track the patient’s recovery before the preoperative and also the post-operation you can Customise the data from the calendar to view specific months or weeks as well.

How to check the analysis page

You can check the “Analysis” option from the user’s profile. By the right side of the “Overview” page click the “Analysis” and then the analysis view will appear. You can check the data based on daily, weekly, and monthly or you can choose to check up to 90 days of data from the calendar.

Wellness Score

Upon submitting the “Report Health Status,” inputting Profile Log data, incorporating physicals, and syncing wearable device data, the system consolidates positive contributions while offsetting negative factors to derive a comprehensive wellness score.

You can check the wellness score from the “Overview” and “Analysis” pages.

From the “Overview” page you will get the basic view of “Wellness Score.” But from the “Analysis” page you will get more detailed information about “Wellness Score.” In the “Analysis, You can see all the detailed parameter lists and indicators under ” “Positive contribution” & “Negative Contribution.” Also Using the dates chosen, the wellness score data is calculated based on the dates.

A total wellness score is generated by calculating the hazard ratio for each parameter and adding or subtracting the number for each positive or negative contribution respectively. The Green and Blue marks text indicate a positive contribution. On the other hand, The yellow mark text indicates a negative contribution.

Based on submitting the “Report Health Status” and Fitbit sense data after accumulating positive contributions and subtracting negative contributions, a wellness score appeared. This is how a wellness score is calculated.


You can view the exercise report of a specific user. If there is no exercise schedule it will be shown as no data.

Activity and Sedentary Classification

You can view activities performed by the user by viewing the activity classification and Sedentary Classification chart.

Status Report Tracker

You can have an overview of all symptoms reported by the user, using the ‘Symptom Tracker’ graph.

Medicine & Specialist Nutrition Intake

The medicine intake chart will give you a quick view of the medication prescribed to the user, as well as their daily intake.


If the user shares their location from the App, you can see the User’s location from this section.

Heart Rates

In this chart, the range of bpm can be viewed at a glance to track the user’s heart rate.

Heart Rate Variability

Heart rate variability (HRV) is the fluctuation in the time intervals between adjacent heartbeats. You can check the heart rate variability as well.

Blood Pressure

You can view the average and range of blood pressure levels in the Blood Pressure widget.

Blood Glucose

This chart displays the average and range of blood glucose and HbA1c of the User.

Sleep-reported Spo2, Self-reported Spo2& PR bpm

In this chart, you can view the User’s SpO2 and PR bpm levels that they have reported themselves throughout the day or week.

Body shape

In this chart, you can view the User’s weight inputs throughout the day or week.


You can view the walk analysis data of the specific users.

Floor Climbed

You can view the Floor Climbed data reported from wearable devices.

Water Intake

In this chart, you can view the User’s water log inputs throughout the day or week.

Sleep Analysis and Breathing Rate

In this chart, you can view the User’s sleep analysis data throughout the day or week.


You can view the user’s cholesterol values here. The status labels are color-coded to help you track the user’s status at a glance.

These are all the features available on the analysis page in the user dashboard.

What is Overview page in the user dashboard?

You can learn more about the patient’s condition, location, and other details by visiting the overview page under the user’s tab. This article will help you to understand “What is the Overview page in the user dashboard”.

  • The user overview screen allows us to view patient input such as Blood pressure, Blood glucose, SPO2, PR bpm, Body shape, Lipids level. Any wearable data we are able to capture is shown with a watch icon, such as resting Heart rate, Sleep, Steps, Floors climbed and so on.
  • In the “Users” panel, you will be able to see an overview of all the users under you. Users are arranged by alert level severity and medical Condition, with the users displaying the highest alert type at the top of the list.
  • Each user has a detailed page that you can view to see details on a more individual level. Features such as geolocation, medication adherence, and schedule would be under the individual user page.

Overall, This user overview page is essential for patient tracking.


How to add User(s) to Support Team Member (W+) Account?

This article outlines the step-by-step process for adding patients to your Support Team Members (STM) Account in the Connectedlife Platform. This will apply to those users who completed the onboarding process.

Step 1: Login to the dashboard

Input your valid email address and password associated with your ConnectedLife STM account.

Step 2: Select “+Assign User”

After logging in, Click on “+Assign Users”.

Step 3: Assign Users to Support Team Member (STM) Account

Now, a pop-up will arise with a box designated “Search by user’s name”. The name needs to be input here.

Step 4: Confirm

Now, click on the “Confirm” box.

Step 5:

After completing all the processes mentioned pop-up notification will be shown.


How to onboard user from Support Team Member (W+) Account?

This article will help you to onboard a user on the platform from the Support Team Member account.

To Onboard user to the platform, follow the below steps:

Step 1:

Sign in to the Support Team Member account with a valid email address and password.

Step 2:

Support Team Member Dashboard will open.

Step 3:

Now click on the Assigned Users. You will find a dropdown menu listing the user’s onboarding status.

Step 4:

Select the Pending Onboarding Users.

Step 5:

Now you are on the page of Pending Onboarding Users. Click on Onboard to onboard the user.

Step 6:

Now fill in all the necessary information in all the steps and click on Next.

Step 7:

Click on Onboard User.

Step 8:

A pop-up window will appear stating that User onboarded successfully.


Department and Support Team Members must remain under the same Facility.

This article will help you to onboard a user on the platform from the Support Team Member account.

To Onboard user to the platform, follow the below steps:

Step 1:

Sign in to the Support Team Member account with a valid email address and password.

Step 2:

Support Team Member Dashboard will open.

Step 3:

Now click on the Assigned Users. You will find a dropdown menu listing the user’s onboarding status.

Step 4:

Select the Pending Onboarding Users.

Step 5:

Now you are on the page of Pending Onboarding Users. Click on Onboard to onboard the user.

Step 6:

Now fill in all the necessary information in all the steps and click on Next.

Step 7:

Click on Onboard User.

Step 8:

A pop-up window will appear stating that User onboarded successfully.


Department and Support Team Member must remain under the same Facility.

What is Incoming Users for Support Team Member (W+)?

An Incoming User is a user whose organisation (Wellness Plus or Wellness) has been changed by mentioning a Support Team Member or a Health Coach and the user has accepted the change. This selection prompts the user to appear on the “incoming users” list of the respective Support Team Member or a Health Coach.

The processes for going to an incoming user-

  • Login to STM account.
  • My Users tab.
  • Users.
  • From the assigned dropdown option select Incoming.

The procedure of getting the user into incoming users are-

Step 1: Log into as https://clh-uat.connectedlistg.wpenginepowered.com/ Wellness Organisation admin with correct username/password.

Step 2: After logging in, go to the assigned user. Then select a user that you wish to direct to Wellness Plus as an incoming user.

Step 3: Go to user affiliation and choose Organisation wellness plus CLH test. Select a Primary Support team member and Save the changes.

Step 4: A notification will appear on your wellness app that “Wellness Admin has recommended you to switch to Wellness Plus”.

Then change organisation and facility from the app to appear into the Wellness Plus platform.

Step 5: After making modifications in the Wellness app, you will see the user under the Wellness Plus Support Team Member (W+) dashboard’s Incoming Users option.

In the incoming users, you will be given two options: Accept or Decline.

Step 6: If you accepted the request of the incoming user from Wellness Platform, now the user proceeds directly to the Wellness Plus assigned user.

Incoming Users only get via the Support Team Member (W+) dashboard and this is how Incoming Users function.

What is Assigned users for Support Team Member (W+)?

This article will help you to understand “What is Assigned users for Support Team Member

Understanding “Assigned Users” is crucial for managing responsibilities effectively within the ConnectedLife Platform. Assigned Users refer to individuals who have been designated a primary support team member. This assignment can occur through either self-selection or by the decision of an administrator or support team.

Specific organisational roles such as Organisation Admin, Facility Admin, Department Admin, and Support Team Member (W+) can access the list of Assigned Users, follow these steps based on your role within the system:

For Support Team Members (W+)

  • Log in to your ConnectedLife Support Team Member account.
  • Navigate to the “My Users” tab and click on “Users.”
  • You’ll arrive at the Assigned Users page.

Assigned Users are those who have a primary support team member assigned to them (either via self-selection or by Admin/STM).

From STM we can assign users by selecting the +Assign Users option. It is possible to assign users to users who share the same facility and support team members.

When assigning a user in STM view, you’ll see two lists:

  • The left list displays users who haven’t been assigned yet under this STM and department. These users are eligible for assignment because they belong to the same facility as this STM.
  • The right list shows users who have already been assigned under this STM. As per the organisation’s profile configuration, a maximum of 20 users can be assigned to an STM.

How to Filter and Sort from user list?

A Support Team (W+) member possesses the ability to Filter and Sort the user list.

How to Filter from the user list

To Filter from the user list, please adhere to the following steps:

Step 1:

Start by logging in using your valid credentials linked to your ConnectedLife account.

Step 2:

Navigate to the My Users Tab and select the Filter option.

Step 3:

At this point, ensure all necessary fields on the Set Filter page are completed and required filters are selected. Then, click Done to apply the filters. Additionally, there is an option to Reset to clear the filters.

The following choices will improve the effectiveness of the filter.

  • Surgery / Procedure / Treatment
  • Department / Specialty
  • Diagnosis
  • Date
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Compliance (%)
  • Overall
  • Medication
  • Hydration
  • Exercise
  • Average time wearing device
  • Wearing device during sleep
  • Status/Condition reporting
  • Support Team Member (W+) / Surgeon
  • Existing Medical Condition / Known Case Of

How to Sort from the user list

To Sort from the user list, please adhere to the following steps:

Step 1:

Start by logging in using your valid credentials linked to your ConnectedLife account.

Step 2:

Subsequently, navigate to the My Users Tab and select the Sort option.

Step 3:

At this point, SORT BY in a suitable option.

The following choices will improve the effectiveness of the Sort.

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Alerts

How to customise users columns?

Customising user columns is crucial since, upon logging in, members of the support team member can examine patient information for every user on the same page. Medical conditions and user details can be changed based on the preferences of the support team.

This article will help you to customise users columns from the Support team member dashboard.

Step 1:

After logging in, you will need to go to My Users-Users tap.

Step 2:

Select three dot option just right beside the refresh button, then click Columns.

Step 3:

Default View and the Clear Selection are the two options available. By Tapping the default view we can view by default set Support Team, Affiliation, Alerts, Key Parameter, Medical Condition, Overall Compliance and View directly in front of every user.

Step 3:

The Clear Selection Support team allows users to choose all view options they want or to customise the column view to show or monitor anything they desire. From the clear section support team can monitor users Gender, Support Team, Key Parameters, Medical Condition, Overall Compliance, Report Compliance, Diagnosis, Procedure, Date of Onboarding, Date of Procedure, Date of admission, Date of Discharge, Last Sync.

So users can customise columns in the above way.

How to Invite User as a Support Team Member (W+)?

This article will help you to invite a User as a Support Team Member (W+).

Step 1:

After logging in, you will need to go to My Users-Users tap, then press “Invite User.”

Step 2:

Then you need to fill in all the necessary details properly. For example: First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone number, Mode of Invitation and Invitation Category.

Step 3:

After filling out all the information, select the mode of invitation that suits your preference and select Invitation Category.

Step 4:

Then press the “Send Invitation.”

Step 5:

A pop-up will appear after sending an invitation.