This article will help you to understand the overall details about the Specialist section in the Connected Life dashboard.
How to Check Specialist page
You can check the “Specialist” option from the user’s profile. By clicking on “Specialist” the page view will appear.

In the Specialist tab, there will be two sections; One is “Overview” and another is “Analysis”.
Here, It includes the user’s well-being based on unique AI models.
The features that can be seen from this page:
- Avg. Stride length: Fitbit device generates this data.
- Stride Level Analysis: The JIKU model based on accelerometer and gyroscope data is used to generate this data.
- Stride Duration Analysis: This is also generated by following the JIKU model. On a given day, It is the distribution of the stride duration.
- Stride Pattern Analysis: It is the Average pattern of the User walking session which is generated by the JIKU model.
- Discomfort Level: Users can manually log their discomfort level.

The analysis section includes the user’s information, plotted into a graphical report format for easy viewing. The data is presented in a format that allows you to see trends and understand the evolution of symptoms throughout the day. This information is used to track the User’s recovery and update their treatment if required.
You can choose to see the analysis of a particular day or week up to 90 days by changing the date range on the top left corner.

The AICVD Cardiac Risk Score is a calculation of your 10-year risk of having a cardiovascular problem. This risk estimate considers age, sex, race, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, medication use, diabetic status, and smoking status.
It is an innovative artificial intelligence-driven system, that delivers a personalized risk assessment for Coronary Artery Disease events over the next decade. This functionality grants a thorough summary of the user’s assessment outcome, supplying crucial insights to inform subsequent analyses and decision-making processes.

Stride-Level Analysis
The stride pattern of a user can be checked in the Stride Level Analysis section.
In Cycle Comparison, a comparison can be made between individual sessions or average sessions of a day. “Session” here means a continuous walking session. The latest 2 sessions are shown by default. You can click on the marked button to remove a session.
You can click on the “Add Compare” button to add a new comparison and maximum comparison is allowed to 4. Select a date first, then select an individual session or ‘day average’. Day average is the average of all the sessions of the day.
Additionally, it is required to assign the exercise “walking” to your Users, so users can record their walking on their smartwatch. The walking data will be collected by the smartwatch during the recording.

Stride Length
Stride length data can be viewed from here. Daily basis, weekly basis or monthly basis

Discomfort Level Analysis
Discomfort levels of the user can be checked in the charts. User can log their discomfort via the mobile app or smartwatch.
The user reports a certain discomfort level and it will reveal the location where the data logged in. Each record consists of the timestamp and location captured.